Annual Ladies' Night

Save the date! A Night in Paris!
We hope you will join us for this year's special edition of our Annual Ladies' Night! This time, your ticket includes gourmet dinner - and most importantly, helps support important Rotary Projects in our community including the lunch bag program.
Date: Wednesday, May 25 2022
Time: 5:30pm social hour, 7:00pm gourmet dinner, 8:00pm Festivities
Place: Swan-e-set Resort and Country Club, 16651 Rannie Road, Pitt Meadows
Time: 5:30pm social hour, 7:00pm gourmet dinner, 8:00pm Festivities
Place: Swan-e-set Resort and Country Club, 16651 Rannie Road, Pitt Meadows
Tickets: $125 or in person through Vicki Cunningham at 604-839-3990 /
Dress in your cocktail Paris best and join your friends for a fabulous ladies' night out! We will have door prizes, Live and Silent Auctions, retail displays and basket draws.
Remember - what happens at #ladiesnight stays at #ladiesnight.